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first line friday (because aren't first lines exciting?)

The snake is lying on the front porch like a present or a warning, blood pooled at its throat, glistening against the blackness of its leathery skin.

From An Infidel in Paradise by S. J. Laidlaw

From Indiebound

Set in Pakistan, this is the story of a teen girl living with her mother and siblings in a diplomatic compound. As if getting used to another new country and set of customs and friends isn't enough, she must cope with an increasingly tense political situation that becomes dangerous with alarming speed. Her life and those of her sister and brother depend on her resourcefulness and the unexpected help of an enigmatic Muslim classmate.

Why this book is here:

It's a fascinating look at the diplomatic corps, international schools, and rotational kids who, in this case, never know from one day to the next if it's safe to go outside.  Read More 
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